I was in need of five hundred and sixty-nine miles. All in December. In Maine. Not exactly the ideal circumstances to achieve my mileage goal for the 2024 cycling season.
It wasn't going to be easy. Playing dodgeball with the weather conditions in the Pine Tree State — rain, snow, and, of course, the ever-present bone-chilling temperatures. As an example, three days before Christmas I would end up riding twenty miles, with the thermometer registering a mere 17 degrees and a "feels like" reading of only nine. In fact, it was so cold that on several occasions my bike computer failed to function, until I got the bright idea of placing it within my multiple layers of clothing.
Also, the resulting road situation — with loose sand and patches of ice — necessitated utilizing two-wheeled machines with much heavier frames and not-so-light studded tires. Together, frigidness and added weight do not make for pleasurable pedaling, no matter how you slice it.
Nevertheless, I did manage to jump on one of my bicycles for 25 days during the final month of the year — bringing my total for all of 2024 to 281 outings.
So, how many miles for the just completed season? As time progressed on the calendar with each rolling mile on the roads and trails, from here in Maine to Ontario and even spectacular Belgium, I finally set my sights on 6,000. And I'm happy to report that I made it — finishing up with 6,003 miles, cranking out 29 miles on the final day. Granted, not as many as last season's personal-best of 8,000 — but I never intended to reach that lofty mark two years in a row.
The only cycling disappointments for me during 2024 were not doing a century ride (100 miles) and way-too-few excursions with friends. Activities that will definitely have to be improved upon during the new 2025 bicycling season. Stay safe!

Congratulations! Well done!
Well done Pat! You are a lean, mean, biking machine!!