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It's a lonesome road

I went fat biking the other day with Jon at "The Res" in Hallowell. It's always a pleasure to get together with my good friend, especially when it involves cruising up and down hills, along with wandering through the woods, on two wheels. Being a couple of old guys, we take a lot of breaks — which affords us the opportunity to chat and catch up on each other's news.

But our ride also served to remind me of a big deficiency within my world of cycling — and the fact that I haven't made much of an effort to remedy the situation. My shortcoming, you ask? Too much pedaling of a bicycle on my own.

A case in point. During the 2023 season — a whole year — I rode one of my bikes a total of 311 times. Out of that huge number, I managed to ride with someone else on only nine occasions. NINE! Three times with Jon. Three times with Scott. And three times with Vern. In a word, that's pitiful.

I realize I've commented on this dilemma in the past, but it's time to put the brakes on this predicament — during the current 2024 season. I'm tired of going solo. It's way better sharing the road — and trails — with other cyclists.

Of course, I'll be cycling with several new acquaintances during my upcoming five-day trip to Belgium. That's a good start to the year — going for a pedal with people from all over the world. But once I return home, there must be a plan of action.

Hopefully, I can persuade my three previously mentioned pals to partake in more outings. Years ago, we rode together quite often. Also, I've frequently toyed with the idea of self-starting a group ride from my place in Hallowell, perhaps on Saturday mornings. Any takers out there?

I met a gentleman this winter — who happens to be a fellow Michigander — by the name of Kevin. He's really into bicycles and their history, having mountains of memorabilia — going way back to the 1800s — and a collection of bikes, mostly vintage models, numbering around seventy. It was fascinating swapping cycling tales with him and I'm looking forward to possibly riding together.

And here's another option for not going alone. During the past few years, I've participated in the Frost Heave Fondo, a bit of a spring classic held here in Maine. I usually join up with a couple of friends, John and Steve, as we have fun playing in the mud and enjoying a beer at the conclusion. Each time we meet, I "threaten" to get together again later in the season to do some road riding — but it never happens. That's going to change this year.

In short, my passion for riding a bicycle is as strong as ever. But this solitary existence aboard my two-wheeled machines needs to stop. I certainly can do better than nine times. Quite often, people will say to me, "I can't go riding with you. You are in too good of shape and I won't be able to keep up." My response is always the same: "I'm only as fast as the slowest person in the group." Besides, I'm 71 years of age, so I'm not that speedy.

Anyway, if you live nearby or just happen to be in the area and you want to go for a ride — get a hold of me and we'll go out together. As they say, safety in numbers!

Jon powering along a trail in "The Res" in Hallowell.

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